Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I totally support Niggli&Niggli's concept of new World Cup (Vinogradov Mike)

For the moment World Cup system doesn't have any logic, it is just an eclectic mix of different competitions. There are a lot of top runners who skip some races or all of them (except WOC, of course). But now famous people in Orienteering - Matthias and Simone Niggli have generated excellent ideas to reanimate IOF World Cup.

You can read a draft of the project here. And comments are in interview of Matthias Niggli.

I totally support Niggli&Niggli's concept of new World Cup. There are logic, visible structure, and interesting ideas in this project. I have strong feelings that this project is perspective and it is the good way to develop our sport. It is possible to discuss some points (e.g., I am against night orienteering in World Cup program - outside of Scandinavia night orienteering does not exist), but my general impression is really good.

Right now I have no idea who is gonna to participate in World Cup-2015. Organizers have decided to start first stage (Tasmania) in the period of most expensive air-tickets (New Year holidays). Also I can not see perspectives for the current World Cup scheme. I always push my runners to participate in World Cup events, but next year I will give up. Fortunately we have a chance to fresh and interesting view of World Cup series development. Matthias and Simone count interests of runners, national federations, organizers and sponsors. I guess that right now there is just one side who is not really interested in changes - conservative IOF. I assume that IOF will keep situation with World Cup in same way and continue to get really huge sanction fees.

May be I am wrong and we will see exciting new World Cup quite soon.

P.S. Photo: Erik Borg

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